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Part 6: Why are chemicals least effective at remediating mold?

Why are chemicals least effective at remediating mold?


Chemical treatments can be effective at remediating some types of mold in certain circumstances, but they are generally considered to be less effective than other methods for several reasons:

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1. Incomplete remediation: Chemical treatments may not completely remove all traces of mold, especially in porous materials. This can lead to continued growth and recurrence of the mold. The reason is that chemicals activity is on the surface, thus it will remove the surface mold/staining but not the underlying Hyphae (mold root systems) which is how mold continues to grow post some chemical remediations.
2. Toxicity concerns: Many chemical treatments are toxic and can pose health risks to people and pets, especially if they are not used properly. The use of chemical treatments should be done with caution and in accordance with safety guidelines.
3. Environmental impact: Chemical treatments can have negative environmental impacts if they are not properly disposed of or if they leach into the soil or water supply.
4. Resistance to treatment: Some types of mold can develop resistance to certain chemicals over time, making them less effective at remediation.
5. Cost: Chemical treatments can be expensive and may require multiple treatments to be effective.

Overall, while chemical treatments can be effective in certain circumstances, they are generally considered to be less effective than other methods of mold remediation, such as physical removal (Sand Blasting or demolition of effected areas) and proper moisture control. It is important to consult with a qualified expert to determine the best approach to mold remediation in each situation.

At Green Home Solutions, we use plant based and organic enzymes which penetrate the substrates to kill mold not just on the surface but also their corresponding root systems. Give us a call 630-847-0101 to discuss in greater detail your particular situation.

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Isn’t it time for you to breathe cleaner, fresher air? Complete our simple form to request any of our services including air quality testing, mold removal, odor treatment, crawl space encapsulation, duct cleaning and more, or call Green Home Solutions of Naperville, IL at 630-847-0013 to talk with an expert today.