Indoor Air Quality Services in Greensboro, NC
Count on us for mold remediation, odor removal, and air quality improvement. Request Service TodayGreen Home Solutions of Greensboro, NC
Your Local Indoor Air Quality Experts
Your Local Indoor Air Quality Experts
Indoor Air Quality Services in Greensboro, NC.
Welcome to of Greensboro, NC, your trusted leader in indoor air quality. Our services include mold remediation, indoor air quality testing, odor removal, crawl space encapsulation, HVAC duct and dryer vent cleaning, and indoor disinfection services.
Proudly Serving: Greensboro, Winston-Salem, High Point, Kernersville, Reidsville, Burlington, and surrounding areas
Owners: Chris Toufas & Keith Fields
Improve Your Indoor Air Quality With Expert Mold Remediation
Mold looks unsightly, smells awful, and brings a myriad of problems to any property. Plus, it aggravates allergies and potentially causes respiratory issues along with other health concerns. Count on Green Home Solutions to rid your property of mold.
We specialize in providing convenient and affordable mold remediation solutions in the Greensboro, NC, area. Furthermore, these effective services work without causing harm to the environment. We use an EPA-registered, plant-based system to fight mold and improve indoor air quality without having a negative impact on the planet. Give us a call to schedule your inspection so we can get to work!
The Importance of Mold Remediation
Mold remediation is crucial not only in maintaining a safe and structurally-sound home or office space, but also ensuring a healthy and comfortable indoor environment. Here’s a closer look at some of the specific reasons why remediation is crucial:
- Health Issues: When mold spores get into the air, it can be a serious health risk. Mold can cause skin irritation, coughing, respiratory issues, and a wide range of other health concerns. Also, because mold spreads quickly, it can infiltrate your entire indoor space, negatively affect the air quality, and present health risks to your family or your employees and customers.
- Structural Damage: Mold causes structural damage. With our mold remediation solutions for the Greensboro area, we’ll not only prevent mold from stinking up your indoor spaces, but we also potentially save you from costly demolition and structural repairs.
How We Bring Top-Notch Mold Remediation to Greensboro
Green Home Solutions proudly provides mold remediation in Greensboro, Winston Salem, Kernersville, Oak Ridge, Guilford County, Forsyth County, and in the surrounding communities.
- Your dedicated team starts with an in-depth inspection of your property.
- Let us know about any high-risk areas that you’ve noticed. We’ll use our infrared inspection technology to determine the presence of mold and it’s causes.
- After this initial inspection, we’ll treat the problem with our products, potentially bringing in dehumidifiers or misting systems to bring you dependable results.
To get started with our service, get in touch with Green Home Solutions at 336-663-1241 today!
Note: Our mold remediation services follow the guidelines and directions of the products we use and the various industry organizations to which we subscribe. Any claims of “removal” should not be considered a commitment or agreement of any kind.
Air Quality Services in Greensboro, NC
No home or business owner wants to find out that they have mold in their property. Not only is it unsightly, but the presence of mold has the potential to cause health issues. Green Home Solutions of Greensboro, NC, provides a wide range of services to create a clean and healthy indoor air environment.
Mold Remediation
Using plant-based enzymes, we kill and break down mold spores, allowing us to successfully remediate mold from your property with little to no demolition of materials.
Indoor Odor Removal
Whether the odor in your property is from pets, smoking, mold, or a combination of things, we will provide odor treatment services that get rid of it.
Crawlspace Encapsulation
With crawl space encapsulation, we will eliminate the path for mold, bacteria, and pests to enter – all sources of potential allergens.
Duct Cleaning
Ensuring your ductwork is clean can help extend the life of your HVAC system or dryer and improve your property’s air quality.
Indoor Disinfection
Specialized indoor disinfection services protect your indoor spaces from bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.
Air Quality Testing
Have confidence that the air inside your home or business is safe to breathe with thorough air quality testing services.

Who We Serve
Green Home Solutions of Greensboro, NC, is proud to provide superior air quality services to a wide range of clients. We assist both residential and commercial customers with improving the air quality inside their properties, eliminating mold, and removing odors.
Home Owners
The quality of the air in your home impacts the overall wellbeing of your family, making our mold and odor removal and air quality improvement services crucial.
Home Inspectors
Professional home inspectors partner with us for thorough air quality testing and mold assessment to ensure their inspections are complete.
Property Managers
Ensure your tenants are breathing fresh air that is free from harmful contaminants with our air quality solutions.
Healthcare Professionals
Patients within hospitals, clinics, and other medical facilities cannot be subjected to unsafe air quality conditions, and we ensure that doesn’t happen.
Real Estate Professionals
Don’t let mold or odors get in the way of closing a deal! We will ensure potential homebuyers are greeted by fresh, clean air when they view your open house
Environmental Specialists
When environmental specialists identify a mold issue within a property, we step in to provide remediation.
Our Customer Reviews
Learn How Mold Affects Us
Mold isn’t just an eyesore or a source of unpleasant odors. It also has the potential to cause a wide array of negative health effects. By the time you or the other people inside your home or business begin to notice signs of a mold infestation, it is likely that the problem has spread throughout your property. Mold in your house causes uncomfortable symptoms that only get worse over time.
Physical symptoms of mold exposure may include:
- Coughing
- Itchy or watery eyes
- Skin rash
- Eye irritation
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Sneezing
- Headache
- Shortness of breath
- Sore throat
In addition to all of the impacts of mold mentioned above, it can also significantly reduce the value of your property. Mold cannot just be scrubbed away, but must be treated by professionals to ensure that it is not only removed, but that it doesn’t return.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have questions about identifying mold in your property, other issues that may impact the air quality in your home or business, or how Green Home Solutions can help? Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page to see many of the questions we have received, and their answers.
Contact Us Today to Request a Service
Isn’t it time for you to breathe cleaner, fresher air? Complete our simple form to request any of our services including air quality testing, mold removal, odor treatment, crawl space encapsulation, duct cleaning and more, or call Green Home Solutions of Greensboro, NC at 336-663-2141 to talk with an expert today.